Art by Rick Rogers


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Garfield-Abrams, Jennifer L., Thomas Corcoran, & Jonathan Wynn. 2023. “The (Culture) War of the Worlds: 'Terraforming' as a Language for Urban Redevelopment.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 48(1): 53-73.

Garfield-Abrams, Jennifer L. 2023. “The Art of ‘Everyday Resistance:’ Small City Cultural Actors’ Disruption of Extralocal Growth Politics.” Journal of Urban Affairs: 1-18.

Chapter in Edited Volume

Corcoran, Thomas, Jennifer Abrams, & Jonathan Wynn. 2019. “Place Exploration: Six Tensions to Better Conceptualize Place as a Social Actor in Urban Ethnography.” Pp. 91-111 in Research in Urban Sociology, Volume 16, Urban Ethnography: Legacies and Challenges, edited by Richard E. Ocejo. Leeds: Emerald Publishing.

Peer Reviewed Teaching Publication

Garfield-Abrams, Jennifer L. 2022. “Mapping the Organizational Field of Social Welfare.” TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, February. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.

Other Publications

Garfield-Abrams, Jennifer L. & Jonathan R. Wynn. 2024. “Cultural Economy.” Oxford Bibliographies Online: Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Working Papers

Under Review

Garfield-Abrams, Jennifer L., Ember Skye Kanelee, & Jonathan Wynn. “When Does ‘Messing Around’ Get Serious?: Understanding the borders of collegiate social interactions around pranking, hazing, harassment, and bullying” (Under Review, Social Problems)

Manuscripts in Progress

Garfield-Abrams, Jennifer L. “‘First Beacon, Then the World!’: The Political (Re)Production of the Small City” (Working Paper - draft available)

Garfield-Abrams, Jennifer L. “Place Identity Formation: A Theory of How Place Constructs the Self” (Working Paper - draft available) *Recipient of the 2020 Charles H. Page Graduate Student Paper Award, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts Amherst (awarded annually for the best theoretical paper written by a graduate student)